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Travel stories, a city trip to Lisbon in Portugal Castle Castelo de Sao Jorge

The castle Castelo de Sao Jorge is on the highest hilltop of Lisbon. it is to go there on foot, a real calf breaker!

In the morning there are quite a few tourists present, but fortunately no real crowd. An entrance ticket costs (7.50 EUR) and you first walk down the entire wall, which gives great views of the Tagus and the old city of Lisbon. Fortunately there are a lot of trees so you do not have to walk continuously in the blazing sun.

Afterwards you will go to the more central part of the castle Castelo de Sao Jorge with its courtyards and ten towers that can be climbed to your heart's content. Every tower in the Castelo de Sao Jorge castle always gives a different view of the city, so you're spending a lot of time exploring the whole area.

After a full walk in the castle Castelo de Sao Jorge, starting from the morning, is already far after noon, before you can plop down on the cozy castle terrace for a refreshing drink. In the meantime you get company of several peacocks that stay high in the surrounding trees or walk quietly with their offspring. A bit further you can also make a photo (with a payment of 6 EUR) with a barn owl or kestrel on your shoulder or hand.

Castelo de Sao Jorge Castle is one of Lisbon's most famous tourist attractions. The foundations of Castelo de Sao Jorge Castle date from the 6th century BC. In 1147 the castle was conquered from the Moors during the siege of Lisbon. it was not until the 14th century that the castle got its name that it now has. The name of the castle has its origin from his lord Saint George (who is usually depicted with a dragon). The castle walls of Castelo de Sao Jorge once saw a length of 5,400 meters and 77 towers, of which only a few parts remained. it is highly recommended to visit this castle.

citytrip lissabon portugal Castelo de Sao Jorge

citytrip lissabon portugal Castelo de Sao Jorge

citytrip lissabon portugal Castelo de Sao Jorge

citytrip lissabon portugal Castelo de Sao Jorge

citytrip lissabon portugal Castelo de Sao Jorge

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Pictures - photos citytrip travel to Lisbon in Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip to Lisbon - Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 2

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