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Travel stories, a city trip to Lisbon in Portugal, the Sao Roque church

The church of Sao Roque is full of marble, gold and ivory. The Sao Roque church is beautiful to see inside. To secure all this, a lot of security agents are walking around. This is to deter potential thieves or vadals.

The church Sao Roque in Lisbon - Portugal was built between 1565 and 1583. This church Sao Roque was the earliest Jesuit church in Portugal and served them for 200 years until they were expelled from Portugal. After the earthquake of 1755 this was one of the few buildings in Lisbon that remained relatively undamaged. Subsequently, the church of Sao Roque was given to the charity house to replace their church that had been destroyed.

 The style of the structure is specifically one of an auditorium church, meant to preach. It contains a number of Kapellen, most in the baroque style of the early 17th century. The most striking chapel is the 18th-century chapel of St. John the Baptist, which was built in Rome, sent to Lisbon and mounted there. The chapel of St. John the Baptist is fully occupied with many gems and at the moment presumably the most expensive chapel in Europe.

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao roque

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao roque

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao roque

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Also read our travelogue of a citytrip to Lisbon in Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip travel to Lisbon in Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip to Lisbon - Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 1

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 2

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 3

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 4

Read also the travelogue to the Azores in Portugal, from the islands of Pico and Faial, with many pictures - photos of diving and landscape.

Read our other dive travel stories and see our many pictures - photos about scuba diving and of the landscape from ADC Scuba diving Antwerp - Deurne

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