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Travel stories, a city trip to Lisbon in Portugal, the Sao Vicente de Fora church

The church Sao Vicente de Fora was built on behalf of the Spanish king Philip II. The church Sao Vicente de Fora was built next to the Augustinian monastery, built in 1147 and completed in 1629. The monastery was also restored by order of the Spanish king Philip II. It was not until the 18th century that the entire monastery was completed.

The church Sao Vicente de Fora is built under the influence of the Italian Renaissance style, which is clearly visible in the beautiful limestone façade. There are seven niches built in which are images of saints, including one of St. Vicent. The central part of the façade of the Sao Vicente de Fora church is topped with an elegant balustrade and flanked by two bell towers. The church has a Latin cross layout with a barrel vault. Inside the Sao Vicente de Fora church is the most striking, baroque altar, which was taken into service in the early 18th century by King Joao V. Like so many other buildings, the church Sao Vicente de Fora was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1755. The main roof and the dome then collapsed on the faithful.

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao vicente de fora

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao vicente de fora

citytrip lissabon portugal kerk sao vicente de fora

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Also read our travelogue of a citytrip to Lisbon in Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip travel to Lisbon in Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip to Lisbon - Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 1

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 2

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 3

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 4

Read also the travelogue to the Azores in Portugal, from the islands of Pico and Faial, with many pictures - photos of diving and landscape.

Read our other dive travel stories and see our many pictures - photos about scuba diving and of the landscape from ADC Scuba diving Antwerp - Deurne

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