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Travel stories, a city trip to Lisbon in Portugal, the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery

The Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery is located in the Belém district of Lisbon. The Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery in lisbon is a very impressive building made of limestone. The portals and wide covered corridors are exuberantly decorated. The courtyard has an impressive view of the decorations of the corridors.

The Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery was built in 1502. The construction was continued differently. In 1520 everything was shut down due to the death of King Manuel I. In 1550 the construction was continued.

In the church of the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery members of the royal family, as well as Vasco da Game, poet Luis de Camoes and Fernando Pessoa are buried. In 1755 the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery was fortunately not badly damaged by the heavy earthquake that struck Lisbon. In 1987, the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos monastery was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

citytrip lissabon portugal mosteiro dos jeronimos

citytrip lissabon portugal mosteiro dos jeronimos

citytrip lissabon portugal mosteiro dos jeronimos

citytrip lissabon portugal mosteiro dos jeronimos

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Also read our travelogue of a citytrip to Lisbon in Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip to Lisbon - Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 1

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 2

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 3

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 4

Read also the travelogue to the Azores in Portugal, from the islands of Pico and Faial, with many pictures - photos of diving and landscape.

Read our other dive travel stories and see our many pictures - photos about scuba diving and of the landscape from ADC Scuba diving Antwerp - Deurne

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