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Travel stories, a city trip to Lisbon in Portugal the Santa Justa lift

The Santa Justa lift is in the center of the city Lisbon is 45 meters high. The Santa Justa lift connects the Santa Justa street with the upper Carmo square.

The Santa Justa lift is a major tourist attraction in the city of Lisbon. The elevator was built in 1900 and was finished in 1902 and the construction is entirely of iron and decorated with neo-Gothic figures. To make a connection with the upper area, the pointed roof of a house was replaced with a flat roof, over which a walkway was made. First the lift worked with steam drive but in 1907 were replaced by electric drive.

In 2002 the Santa Justa elevator was classified as a National Monument.

citytrip lissabon portugal Santa Justa lift

citytrip lissabon portugal Santa Justa lift

citytrip lissabon portugal Santa Justa lift

citytrip lissabon portugal Santa Justa lift

citytrip lissabon portugal Santa Justa lift

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Also read our travelogue of a citytrip to Lisbon in Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip travel to Lisbon in Portugal

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Pictures - photos citytrip to Lisbon - Portugal

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 1

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 2

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 3

Pictures - photos citytrip naar Lissabon - Portugal part 4

Read also the travelogue to the Azores in Portugal, from the islands of Pico and Faial, with many pictures - photos of diving and landscape.

Read our other dive travel stories and see our many pictures - photos about scuba diving and of the landscape from ADC Scuba diving Antwerp - Deurne

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