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Scuba diving in Aqaba - Jordan the Red Sea 5b

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Photos of scuba diving in Aqaba - Jordan; in the Red Sea 5b

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

diving jordan red sea

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Also read our travelogue of scuba diving in Aqaba - Jordan the Red Sea and useful information about Aqaba - Jordan

Descriptions of what we have seen when diving in Aqaba - Jordan in the Red Sea

Fishes in ths Red Sea of Aqaba - Jordan

Anemonefish, Damselfish, Sergeantfish, Sergeant majorfish, Cornetfish, Pipefish, Blue sailfin tang, Long nosed hawkfish, Forsters hawkfish, Blackside hawkfish, Dominofish, Goby's, Blenny's, Stone fish, Scorpionfish, Red sea walkman, Lionfish, Frogfish, Arabian anglerfish, Royal anglerfish, Emperor anglerfish, Lizardfish, Common porcupinefish, Masked porcupinefish, Freckled porcupinefish, Grey moray, Giant moray, Jewel grouper, Lyretail grouper, Saddle grouper, Moon grouper, Arabian grouper, Coral grouper, Goatfish, Red sea garden eel, Sabre squirrelfishes, Blackbacked butterflyfish, Threadfin butterflyfish, Lined butterflyfish, Crown butterflyfish, Masked butterflyfish, Polyp butterflyfish, Striped butterflyfish, Blackspotted pufferfish, Masked pufferfish, Yellowspotted burrfish, Moses sole, Batfish, Blue striped snapper, Ehrenberg's snapper, Parrotfish, Surgeonfish, Lyretail hagfish, Klunziners wrasse fish, Bicolor cleaner wrasse, Glassfish, Whiteedged soldierfish, Half an half Chromisfish, Crown squirrelfish, Bannerfish,


Tube sponge, Goblet sponge, Fire sponge, red sponge, siphon sponge,


Red seafan, Hickson giant seafan, Fire coral, Table coral, Plate fire coral, Salad coral, Raspberry coral, Mosaic coral, Groved mosaic coral, Finger coral, Grass coral, Broccoli soft coral, Prickly alcyonarian, Pulsing polyp coral, Muchroom coral, Star coral, Mushroom leather coral, Brain coral, Grape coral, Rose coral, Massive pore coral, Sinularia, Mountain coral, Whip Coral, Goniopora, Red gorgonian, whip coral, Organ pipe coral,


Spanish Dancer, Four coulor chromodoris, Blood-spot glossodoris, Graceful phyllidia, Large pleurobranch,

Clams and molluscs

Gaint Clam, Chrismas Tree worm, Fan tubeworm,

Octopus en cuttlefish

Big red octopus, Bigfin reef squid,

Crabben en shrimps

White spotted spiny lobster, Banded cleaner shrimp,

Sea stars, Zee-egels and sea cucumbers

Pin-cushion sea urchin, Diadem sea urchin, Slate pencil urchin, Sawtooth feather star, Crown of thorns starfish, Sanddollar, Sea cucumber,

Anemones and jellyfish

Bubble sea anemone, Magnificent sea anemone, Common Jellyfish,


Salp, pocket pipes,

Mammals and reptiles

Dolphines, Doejong - Dugong, Turtle,

Too much to see while diving to be able to name everything. View all the photos of our scuba diving, to get a picture of the underwater life in Aqaba - Jordan in the Red Sea.

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